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Importance of Combining Online and Outdoor Advertising

Tom Liebrecht • Sep 22, 2019
A proven effective marketing strategy is one that combines both online and offline marketing methods. Here are just a few of the benefits:

Brand Awareness
Marketing is about increasing exposure. While online marketing can help you reach a wide audience, combining it with offline marketing can help you reach the folks you aren't reaching online. Exposure is extremely important in sales and marketing. People need to constantly know your business exists and what it does. Over time, branding makes a huge difference in the ability for a business to grow and thrive. Branding doesn't just apply to big companies, it's important for all businesses, regardless of their size.

Credibility and Trust
Gaining consumer trust is one of the biggest challenges in business. Trust and credibility play major parts in the decision making process for consumers. Infusing online and offline marketing helps a business overcome this challenge. If a customer hears about your business offline and goes online to find a wealth of information (great website, social medium presence, awesome online reviews, etc.), the combination of your offline and online marketing increases your credibility and trust, which enables your business to grow.

Power of Repetition
In the advertising world, the process of getting a message to stick in the heads of consumers is called “effective frequency.” It refers to the number of times a consumer must be exposed to an advertising message before the desired response is achieved. How many times should a message be repeated to achieve its goal? Studies show it’s between three and five. The ability to deliver your message so it reaches "effective frequency" increases when you combine online and offline advertising and that leads to more sales!

Competitive Edge
You probably see your competition on Google, social media, and other online channels. How often do you see your competition on billboards or other offline channels? In most cases, the answer is very little. Combining online and offline marketing can give you an edge over your competition by allowing you to gain more market share.

The Results
Studies show the following when outdoor advertising is added to the online marketing mix:
  • Mobile Ad Clicks UP by as much as 60%
  • Website Visits UP by as much as 30%
Contact GOA to Learn More
If you'd like to learn more about how outdoor advertising can help improve the impact and effectiveness of your marketing, contact us to schedule a phone call or in-person meeting. 
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