Real Estate

Real Estate - Seeking New Locations in Ohio for Constructing Billboards
Seeking New Locations in Ohio for Constructing Billboards
Giesken Outdoor Advertising is actively seeking building new billboard locations on a continual basis. You can create a new source of income by contracting with Giesken Outdoor to construct a billboard on your commercial property. The beauty of it is that there is no investment on your part.

Greatest Return with Minimal Use of Property

We will work with you to design the proper structure configuration in order to use the least amount of space necessary. Most structures will not interfere with any use of your property and typically use only a few square feet of surface area. The units we build meet the most rigid certified engineering standards which normally exceed municipal and state codes of construction. We handle all necessary state and local permitting and surveys will be done prior to construction, to assure compliance with all required regulations.

Commercial Tenant

Giesken Outdoor Advertising is one of the best commercial tenants in those markets where we sell advertising. Every commercial property has the potential of additional long term income with a Giesken lease agreement. Many commercial developers work hand in hand with our real estate representatives to add value and income to their properties as well as develop a positive relationship. Moreover, all our structures are illuminated which will increase the overall awareness and security of your property.

Reputation and Quality

Giesken is known for it’s commitment to the lessors that have made our business successful over the years. As a lessor you can be assured of our careful attention to the details of our agreement that protect your property and to keep all information in the utmost confidentiality. Giesken Outdoor is fully insured and the property owner is held harmless(indemnified) of any liabilities as a result of the sign.

Contact Us

If you have ownership in commercial property adjacent to interstate, main or primary thoroughfares, contact Tom Giesken to research the possibility of creating a new source of income in terms of leasing or selling the property.
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